Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Crowd

I've been doing a lot of surfing on medical school forums in the last week. These things are great. It's nice and somewhat comforting to know that other people out there share your concerns. However, it is also disconcerting to know how vast my competition is. But, such is life.

I've put a couple of posts up myself and they've been very helpful. So far, however, I'm getting the same impression from everyone. Concentrate on those grades, worry about mastering your medical school pre-requisites (BCMP). I can't wait to get this started. Going to school can be a bitch. But, when you go to school with an ultimate goal in mind it really makes things a little easier.

My school history sucks so far. But I've been hearing promising things about being able to come back from that sort of stuff.


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