Tuesday, September 18, 2007

That Fateful Day

So, today is that day. The day I decided, concretely, to pursue a career in medicine. I can't believe that I'm even saying this, but in the same breath it feels and sounds "right." I've been researching and reading for two days, trying to understand what kind of mountain I'm going to be climbing. So far, it's the Olympus Monds of educational terrain (for me, at least). I've never read the acronyms GPA, MCATS, MD, PhD, and DO so many times in one hour as I have in these last few days.

As far as I can tell, this is going to be one hell of a ride. I just wonder if I'm going to be smiling, grimacing, or crying for my mommy by the end. I've got a tall order to fill considering the prospective medical schools that I can attend (based on proximity). Brown, UMass, Harvard, Boston Univeristy, Yale, and the University of Conneticut. Obviously I won't limit myself to just these schools, considering that more then half are considered Ivy League and I might as well sign up for the "Stand Around and Get Struck by Lightning" program while I'm waiting for my acceptance letters.

Anyway, I'm aware of the workload I've just requested to be dropped on my head, and I can't wait to get started!


1 comment:

Doc4Him said...

Saw your post on OldPremeds.com
I'm in a similar predicament http://doc4him.blogspot.com
Best of luck to you! It can be done.